A Mountain to Climb
In the darkest of mornings, tangled in sheets,
A battle within where despair competes,
Struggles to rise, the weight hard to bear,
Triggers and trauma, a relentless snare.
The world outside carries a heavy shroud,
Invisible scars that cry out loud,
Helpless and weary, feeling so small,
Numbness takes hold, casting a pall.
Each sunrise a challenge, a mountain to climb,
Lost in the shadows of a troubled mind,
Lost in the echoes of a painful past,
Seeking a flicker of hope that could last.
But deep in the heart, a spark remains,
A tiny light in the midst of the strains,
Though life feels heavy, and moments are tough,
There's courage within, and resilience enough.
So rise from the depths, face the day anew,
Know that you're strong, know that you'll pull through,
The lust for life may flicker and fade,
But hold on tight, don't let it evade.
For in the midst of the darkness and strife,
There's a glimmer of hope, a thread of life,
You're not alone in this endless fight,
Embrace the dawn, embrace the light.