What they never say

No one warns you of the weight—

How love sits heavy on your chest,

How sometimes you'll lie awake

Wondering if you've failed the test.

They don't mention in romance books

How terrifying trust can be,

How vulnerability looks

When stripped of all its poetry.

No one speaks of mundane pain:

The toothpaste caps, the coffee rings,

The way small habits drive you insane,

The doubt that everyday life brings.

They skip the chapter on the work,

The constant choice to stay and fight,

The conversations that you shirk,

The compromise that feels not quite right.

No one tells you of the fear

That comes with loving someone so—

How much it costs to keep them near,

How fast your walls will have to go.

They paint it golden, paint it sweet,

But love's a battlefield inside,

Where victory and failure meet,

Where joy and terror coincide.

Yet somehow in this messy space,

Between the truth and what they tell,

We find a raw and precious grace

That makes the hardship serve us well.




Ode to Olive